Weekly update 30/01/2025
30 Jan 2025
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
Forest School -
Friday 7th Feb,
Rockets - Nursery/Reception/Year One/Year Two have forest school.
Children should come in comfy, warm clothes suitable for forest school. They will need long trousers, water proofs and wellies. Please send uniform in a bag for the afternoon session
Key Stage 2 Immersive Science workshop.
Monday 3rd February, Emma from Love Science will be in with
Years 3-6 to do our Sheep Tracking on Rocks, fossils and adaptations. They will discuss the rock cycle Emma will bring examples of the different rocks for the children to look at. This will lead them on to talk more about sedimentary rocks and fossils. Then they will create sedimentary rock tubs - small clear tubs filled with different grain that mimic the different sediment needed to create a fossil with a small dinosaur placed in-between the layers. They will then finish off with some fizzing and make volcanos which is the very start of the rock cycle! We hope they have a brilliant, hands on learning experience which will embed their learning from last year.
School Uniform
We would like to politely remind parents that children are asked to wear black school shoes as part of their uniform. Please see the ‘School Uniform’ page under the ‘Parents’ tab on our school website for more details. Trainers are not part of our general school uniform and should only be worn for PE or other physical outdoor activities as directed by staff. Any families who are struggling to provide school shoes may speak to Miss Mandelson or their child’s class teacher in confidence, as help with this may be available for those who need it.
Sporting Influence Event
Please ensure that all children have their PE kit in school on
Tuesday 4th February as they will be participating in a Bench Ball event led by Sporting Influence during the morning.
Last Call for JAM Messy Church
Many thanks to all those who have already responded to request places for our JAM session next Tuesday. Please can any remaining requests be passed on to Miss Mandelson by the close of Friday so that we have the correct numbers for catering purposes and resources.
Celebration/Sharing Collective Worship
Please note that it has been necessary to postpone this term’s Celebration Collective Worship, which was originally scheduled for
13th February. This will now take place on
Thursday 20th March at 9am in the school hall. All welcome. Coffee and cake to follow. (Do remember to let us know about any achievements out of school as we love to celebrate these with the children too!)
Big School Birdwatch
Our brilliant
Y6 Wellbeing Ambassadors, Maisie and Leroy, are busy putting together a plan for our school to take part in this year’s Big School Birdwatch during the
w/c 10th February. A great way to ‘take notice’ and enjoy nature – one of the five ways to wellbeing. They’ll keep you posted!
Please see below link re collective worship
-Take Home3001.pdf-
Young Voices
As Young Voices is fast approaching, please encourage your child to listen to some of the songs we are still learning at home.
All songs can be found on You tube here
Also, the songs are available on apple music and Spotify, from the official young voices. Just search Young Voices 2025
Please remind your child to listen to these at home to familiarise themselves with them so they can fully enjoy the Young Voices experience.
Thank you for your support.
KS2 Music Lessons
Please can all students in
Asteroid Class (Y3-Y6) remember to bring their brass instruments into school on a
News from the wider community
Please see attached from Outdoor Adventures Forest School

Message from friends
The Friends are organising a Taylor Swift Tribute Night on
Saturday 1st March to raise funds for the school.
Tickets are
£10 per person and can be purchased at West Tanfield Village Shop during their usual opening hours (cash only) or online at
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…