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Weekly update 05/05/2023

05 May 2023

Weekly Updates – 05/05/2023

  -Weekly Update 5.05.23 UKRAINE.pdf-  
Good morning,
Please see below updates for the week ahead
In school next week…

Monday – Bank Holiday
Tuesday –
Wednesday – Sports Cool – booked directly with Chris as normal.
Thursday – Dance Club with Mrs Staveley – this is now fully booked – all payments can be made via parent pay.

Forest School
Nursery pupils will be doing forest school sessions each Wednesday until half term. Children should wear old, comfortable clothes and wellies or trainers for this along with waterproof trousers and coats.
Year 6 SATs
We have tests in Year 6 next week and we want to wish all our Year 6 children the very best of luck. We would like to say a huge well done to all of you for your effort, attitude, perseverance and motivation so far this year. We believe in you and know you will do your best. 

North Yorkshire Music Service
Earlier this term school was visited by the Instrumental Lead team from North Yorkshire Music Service and pupils kick-started their musical journey by participating in an instrumental demonstration and workshop. Following on from this demonstration, school has been offered a term of Wider Opportunities brass tuition which will begin on Friday 5th May and run until Friday 7th July. Within the sessions, students learn the basics of playing a brass instrument and will perform a variety of pieces in a whole class setting. Through these sessions pupils will develop their listening, rhythm, and music theory skills, as well as getting the opportunity to learn an instrument that they perhaps never thought of trying out. The whole class sessions are designed to offer a musically rich experience and provide an ideal gateway into pupils learning a musical instrument. Sessions will be led by Annie Wilkins, a fantastic brass player and teacher who currently performs with Rothwell Temperance Band – a highly regarded and successful Brass Band based in Leeds, conducts Otley Brass Band, and performs as a freelance musician in orchestras for theatre productions.
Other information:

If you have, or know somebody who has, a child that turns three before 31st August and they might be interested in coming to our Nursery please email so they can be added to our list for September as we are almost full!  Thank you to those who have already expressed their interest.  Mrs Clegg will be in touch in June to arrange some taster visits.

Toddler Forest School
This continues with Madeleine as normal. Please spread the word. All information can be found on ‘Outdoor Adventures Forest School’ Facebook page.

Bus Register
Please note we only need to know if there are any changes to the bus – we do not require a new form. For adhoc requests – please email
…to our super Y3/4 children who were fantastic representatives of St Nicholas CE Primary at yesterday’s inter-school Tri-Golf Festival.  As well as improving their putting and chipping techniques, the children showed great sportsmanship and teamwork.  Well done, Comets – you did us proud!
As we were preparing for this event, it came to light that some children do not have a full PE kit.  Now that the summer term is here, PE lessons will mainly take place outdoors.  Please can you check that your child has the correct kit, including trainers which fit. It is a good idea to keep PE kits at school so that they are ready when needed.  Many thanks for your help with this.
Can you help?
Next week, Miss Mandelson will be looking for volunteers to help out with the next all-age service at St Nicholas Church on Sunday 14th May.  If your child(ren) would like to take part, please can you let Miss Mandelson know.
I want to ride my bike.
Please see attached a letter from Dave re the sessions that have already taken place.


West Tanfield Parish
The West Tanfield Parish is celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III with a tree planting and Sports Day on Sunday 7th May. All are very welcome. Please see the attached flyer. 


Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates
Social Media Safety
This recently published video by financial times films, gives an important insight to the impact of social media on our children and our family life. The video is well worth a watch. It has been used with parent groups, and they were shocked. The video led them to reconsider how they talk to their children about their social media use. You can find the video on YouTube by following the link below:
For further tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online please follow the link below:
Healthy pack ups
Whether squeezing it in before the school run in the morning, or before bed on busy midweek evenings, preparing your child’s lunchbox can seem like just another thing on the list.
Below is a link to some healthy lunch box ideas to try!

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North Yorkshire
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