Christmas Diary Dates
04 Dec 2024

As Christmas approaches, and we are all becoming busier, please see below a list of dates and information which may be helpful in the coming weeks.
December dates for your diary
Tuesday 10th December
Jam Messy Church at 3.30pm
Places must be booked by Friday 6
th December.
Thursday 12th December
The Nativity for Rocket Class (Nursery, Reception, Year One and Year Two) with Asteroid choir, at 10am and 2pm
Ticket information has been sent separately – all requests to school for
Friday 6th December at 3.30pm. Tickets will be sent home on
Monday 9th December.
Monday 16th December
Friends Disco. 3.30pm – 5pm
Children should bring a change of clothes in a bag and will be allowed time to change at the end of the school day in preparation for the disco. Money can also be brought for the tuck shop. Please send this in named envelope and we will ensure this is kept safely for the disco.
Nursery parents should attend with their children please.
Tuesday 17th December
Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day
Come to school in Christmas jumper and non-uniform for the day.
Inter house sports competition - football
Children should bring their PE kit in school for this day also.
Thursday 19th December
Carols around the tree at Church at 2.30pm
Join us for carol singing with the children and refreshments provided by the friends.
Doors open at 2pm, where friends will be serving refreshments prior to the carol service at 2.30pm
Please can all children in Nursery, Reception, Year One and Year Two ensure they have their nativity costumes in on this day. They will be wearing these for Carols around the tree.
Children can be taken home directly from the church once they have been signed out by their parent/class teacher. With this in mind, please do not send your child to school with any bags on this day, other than one with their nativity costume.
Friday 20th December
School closes for Christmas break
at 2pm.
Printable version
December dates for your diary