Monday to Friday mornings – 7.30am to 8.40am

We offer high quality ‘wrap around care’ before and after school to meet the needs of our families to enable them to balance work and family commitments, run by staff familiar to the children from school.
We provide:
- A warm, caring and stimulating environment for children aged 3-11 years
- A committed team of caring adults with enhanced DBS checks and Level 2 Paediatric Training
- An environment that encourages the development of social skills and independence
- Safe and well-designed indoor and outdoor spaces
We provide care every day during the school term:
Monday to Friday mornings – 7.30am to 8.45am
Our breakfast club is available daily and runs from 7.30 am – 8.40 am at a cost of £5.00 per child per session.
These sessions must be booked in advance.
We also run drop in sessions from 8.30 am – 8.40 am at a cost of £2.00 per child per session. Please note, breakfast is not served from 8.30am
All sessions offer breakfast and activities. Our breakfast menu offers a choice of cereal and toast with a drink offer of hot cholcolate, milk or fruit juices and bacon or sausage sandwiches each Friday.
For regular bookings please complete the form Booking Form Before and After School Clubs and email to admin@west-tanfield.n-yorks.sch.uk.
Adhoc bookings can be made via email to admin@west-tanfield.n-yorks.sch.uk.