Weekly update 02/05/2024
02 May 2024
Our Vision
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
Weekly Update Thursday 2nd May 2024
New this week….
Monday 6th May 2024 – School is closed this day for the Early May Bank Holiday.
Forest School
Rocket Class (N,R,1) will be at Forest School on
Friday 10th May working on our Golden Thread. Please ensure all children have suitable clothing and waterproofs.
Next Parent working party is the RSE Policy Review
The working party meeting will take place at St Nicholas CE Primary School, West Tanfield on
Tuesday 7th May at 7:00pm. If anyone else would like to attend, please just contact Leonie Mandelson (PSHE Lead) at
senco@west-tanfield.n-yorks.sch.uk to let her know.
St Mary’s Youth Choir, Masham
We have been contacted by Ann Rudd from St Mary’s Church in Masham to let us know that she has spaces in the youth choir for KS2 children in any of the benefice schools who enjoy singing. Mrs Rudd will be coming to chat to the children about this on
Friday 3rd May.
Forest School
Nursery and Reception will be in the forest on
Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has waterproofs, wellies and a change of clothing.
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
Discussing online life with your child
Online safety is hugely important today and forms a huge part of our lives. Here is a great 3 minute video with practical advice on how parents and carers can talk to their child/children about online life.