Weekly update 25/01/2024
25 Jan 2024
Our Vision
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
Weekly Update Thursday 25
th January 2024
New this week…
Residential visit to Bewerley Park
We look forward to seeing the parents and children at our meeting at
3.30pm. All the information to be shared during the meeting will be available from this evening for you to look at together at home and for those parents who could not attend.
Please find this on the school website under Newsletters. A copy of all forms are also available on this page.
Science immersion workshop - KS1
Thursday 1st February,
KS1 have a science workshop to sheep track the childrens learning of materials from last year. This is all focused around recycling and reusing different materials because of their properties. It should be a great additional learning experience for the children to be hands on and inventive!
Forest School
Years 3/4/5/6 have forest school on
Friday 2nd Feb 2024, focusing on our Golden Threads.
School Council Elections
There is a real buzz around school as the children consider whether they would like to put themselves forward for this year's School Council. The canvassing will start in earnest next week, when candidates are invited to put up posters from Monday if they wish. On Thursday morning, they will have the opportunity to speak to the school community about why they feel they would make a good school councillor. Each candidate will be allocated 5 minutes. The elections will then take place on Friday during PSHE lessons. Just a reminder that representatives from Y2-Y6 will be elected, with all children invited to cast their vote.
Coming Up...
Just to let everyone know that our next JAM Messy Church session will take place in school on Tuesday 6th February between 3.30 and 5pm. Click below for more information:
-JAM 6.02.24.pdf-
Royal Academy of Arts Competition - Calling all artists!!!
We have an exciting opportunity for any of our budding artists...we have registered our federated schools to take part in the 'Young Artists' Summer Show'
Now in its sixth year, the Young Artists’ Summer Show is a free, open submission exhibition for students aged 4–19 studying in the UK. Artworks are judged by a panel of artists and arts professionals, with selected artworks displayed online and on-site at the Royal Academy of Arts. There is no theme or restraints...just get creative and see where it takes you! Have a look at the previous exhibitions on their website to give you some inspiration. This an optional competition and if you wish to register, follow the steps below:
- Create your art work
- Ask a parent to submit your art work by the deadline of 27th March
- Visit https://youngartists.royalacademy.org.uk/ to register an account
- Submit your artwork which includes a brief description/explanation or your inspiration and meaning (there is further guidance on how to do this on their website)
- That's it! Time for the judges to admire your work and wait on the results.
If you enter, please do let your class teacher know...we would love to celebrate in school with you!
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
The Sleep Clinic
Need help with your child’s sleep - Sleep clinics for families of children aged 12 months upwards in North Yorkshire, see link below
SC-0049NYFlyer.indd (hdft.nhs.uk)
Online Gaming - Roblox
Online gaming can be great fun for our children and we teach widely in school about how to be safe when playing online. A game we know many of our children (across the school) enjoy is Roblox. This site can be suitable for wide age-range but needs to be managed carefully with support from adults at home. Please see the following website for specific information and advice to support you at home: