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Weekly update 17/03/23

17 Mar 2023

Weekly Updates – 17/03/2023

  -Weekly Update 17.03.23 UKRAINE.pdf-  

In school next week...
Last Call for JAM (Messy Church)
Many thanks to all those who have already replied to book a place for Monday's session.  If any other children would like to participate, please could you let Miss M know by the end of today so that she has the numbers for catering.
Mothers' Day @ St Nicholas Church
Just a reminder that everyone is welcome for this special family service this Sunday at 9.30am.  A huge thank you to all children who have volunteered to help with the service - hopefully all the readings and prayers have made it home ready to practise.  Any problems, please just get in touch with Miss M.  Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Swimming lessons on Wednesday for Rocket Class

Forest School
Asteroid class continue forest school sessions each Wednesday until half term. Children should wear old, comfortable clothes and wellies or trainers for this along with waterproof trousers and coats.

Other information:

Red Nose Day
As the theme of this year's Red Nose Day is 'Spread Some Joy...' (and, let's face it, we could all do with a laugh right now), the children came armed with some fantastic jokes today.  They did a brilliant job of putting a smile on everyone's face with their hilarious performances.  Here are our class favourites:
Rocket Class: “Knock knock”, “Who’s there?”, “Cow”, “Cow Who?”, “No, silly, cows go moo!” – Lauren Stockil
Comet Class: “Why wouldn’t the crab share its sweets? Because it was shellfish” – Jessie Kinsey
Asteroid Class: “A dog went to the doctor and the doctor asked what’s wrong, and the dog said ‘I’m feeling a bit ruff’ – Jenson Hornsey

Good News:
We have raised a whopping £51 for Red Nose Day today! Thank you to everyone who came to school in their red attire! :)

Easter Celebration and Afternoon tea
Parents are invited to join us at school for an Easter Afternoon Tea at 2.30pm on Thursday 30th March 2023. There will be a short celebration assembly followed by afternoon tea. We do require that parents who wish to attend, email the admin address and let us know how many places they require. This helps us to ensure we can cater for everyone.
Decorate an egg competition
All children are invited to decorate an egg for our Easter competition – we will announce the winners at our end of term afternoon tea and celebration. You may decorate your egg using any medium you choose:  paint, pencil, felt-tip pens, paper, etc, and you may use any theme that inspires you… faces, patterns, animals, flowers, famous people. You decide! There will be a prize for the winner of each class!
All entries need to be in school by Wednesday 29th March.
We are delighted to announce that Reverend Gareth and West Tanfield Methodist Church and the church group have pledged £1800 towards us purchasing a stage that we can also store on their premises! The PTA are funding the rest of the cost – which means that we will finally have our very own stage that we can use for drama, CW, Sports Day presentations and performances etc! This is being delivered to School next week. A huge thanks to the PTA for their support in this.
Drama Club
Please see below schedule for the drama performance at Harrogate Theatre – a letter with all the information has been sent home with all pupils who are taking part next week, this includes ticket request forms – tickets are free and  will be given to children at the workshop on March 21st.
There will be a bus collecting the children from school at 13:15, parents will need to collect them from the theatre after the performance has finished at 18:15.
Friends of St Nicholas School
We are holding an Easter coffee morning on Sunday 26th March 10-12pm, in West Tanfield village hall.  We are hoping to make two themed hampers to raffle off, one being a chocolate theme & the other a Yorkshire theme. We would be very grateful for any donations towards these hampers, these can be given to Claire Lancaster or left at school for us to collect before Friday 24th March. We hope you can join us for a coffee and some cake.
Many thanks
The Friends

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North Yorkshire
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