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Weekly update 20/06/2024

20 Jun 2024

Our Vision

We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
Class Structure for next year
The class structure from September 2024 will remain the same as it is now, with teaching staff remaining in the class they are in now.
Children will have the opportunity to visit their new classes and experience a taster session in these on Thursday 11th July.
Rocket Class – Nursery, Reception and Year One (Year Two PM only)
Comet Class – Year Two and Three (AM only)
Asteroid Class – Year Four, Five and Six (Year Three PM only)

New starter parent meeting. 
There is a meeting with Mrs Clegg and Mrs Taylor on Friday, June 28th at 9 am, this is for parents of children beginning Reception in September 2024. This meeting will provide valuable information and guidance to ensure a smooth transition for both parents and children entering school. It is a great opportunity for parents to ask questions, address concerns, and learn about the school's policies and expectations for the upcoming academic year.

Mrs Harris
Sadly, we will be saying good bye to Mrs Harris at the end of the school year.
Mrs Harris is becoming very busy with her community music projects and wishes to dedicate more time to this. We will be extremely sorry to see her leave and wish Mrs Harris well in her future adventures.
We are hopeful Mrs Harris will continue to provide individual music tuition in September.
A collection for Mrs Harris is taking place and if you would like to contribute to these, please leave your donation in the school office with Miss Tucker for safe keeping.
Matilda Tickets
All the information for these has been shared with parents. Unfortunately, a few families have requested additional tickets but have forgotten to add their names to the online form. If you have requested additional tickets, please go back online and check that you have added your name to the form as we would hate for anyone to miss out.
Wellbeing Day
We are very much looking forward to our visit to the Himalayan Gardens and Sculpture Park next Thursday 27th June.  A copy of the letter with information can be found on the 'Letters Home' page of the school website (which can be accessed via the 'Parents' tab or the homepage).  Most parents have now replied with consent for their child to participate.  If you have not yet done so or need to order a school packed lunch, please can we ask that you do so as soon as possible.  Many thanks and here's to a lovely day.
Last call for JAM Messy Church
Many thanks to all those who have already booked their children in for next Tuesday's after-school session 3.30- 5pm.  Please email Miss Mandelson directly at if your child(ren) would like to be added to the list.  This is to ensure we have the correct numbers for catering and resources in good time.
Message from Friends

Comedy Night
Tickets are still available for the Comedy Night on Friday 28th June at West Tanfield Village hall. Tickets £20 for a great night out!

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Mowbray Terrace, West Tanfield
North Yorkshire
Great Britain
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Ofsted 'Good' April 2024
'Pupils thrive at this small and inclusive school.'
Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary.'
'The school has high expectations for what pupils can achieve.'
'The school provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests.'
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