Collective Worship is a valued time in our school day. A special time when we come together, discuss 'big questions' and share our opinions.
But don't take our word for it...
Here's what our children think of Collectve Worship...
'It's nice, the whole school comes together'
'I love it because it's calm'
'People can connect'
'It's amazing'
'There's something different to think about every day'
'It's really good to think about our school values'
'I feel calm and peaceful after it'
'We can all spend time together'
'Please find our Collective Worship Policy here:
Collective Worship Policy
We are also delighted to introduce our
Worship Warriors.
Our worship warriors help Mrs Taylor to plan, deliver and monitor our Collective Worship.
Here are some photos of our special Collective Worship big book:
The Worship Warriors performed a short play about Mothering Sunday, and why we should value our Mums, Aunties, Grandmas every day of the year, not just on this special day. They talked to the school about "unconditional love" and Harrison said a beautiful 'teaspoon' prayer. I'm very proud of you all Worship Warriors!
Our Worship Warriors read 'Life is Patience' by Julie Herbert:
Life Is Patience
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2012
To live how we want,
And to do what we please.
Can sometimes be tough,
And not done with great ease.
Life works in many ways,
Some good and some bad.
Which stops us in our tracks,
And makes us really mad.
We can't all get,
What we want right away.
And waiting is needed,
To show us the way.
So learn the lesson now,
That some never learn.
Waiting patiently,
Will allow you your turn
We discussed the message that the poet was trying to convey:
We had a lovely Collective Worship today which started with Enna, Daisy and Matilda plaiting three ropes:

We talked about what makes a good friend and how friendship is woven into all of our lives. We are stronger together! In fact, Daisy said "one of the strongest powers is friendship!"
We also looked at
Proverb 18:24
"There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
Who do you think that friend might be?
We had a very special Collective Worship today as Nicola David (Chair of Ripon City of Sanctuary) and Mrs Bourne-Arton joined us. We presented our donations from our Harvest Festival- we were so proud to raise £128! Mr and Mrs Bourne-Arton have also continued our fundraising drive in the community and they presented more donations. We are overwhelmed by the generosity shown by everyone!
We have decided that all of our fundraising projects this year will go towards Ripon City of Sanctuary as we are trying to raise the £9000 needed to bring two refugee families to safety. We are a small school with a BIG heart...together we can make a difference!
Take a look at the photos below to see our children demonstrating courageous advocacy with their determination to make a difference to children around the world:
April 2022
Following an Easter blessing from Rev Sian, the children in Rocket Class were inspired to create Jesus' cross from anything they could find! Now we know why the cross is such an important symbol to Christians:
September 2022
Wow! What a start to the year- seventeen children have expressed an interest in becoming a Worship Warrior!
We have just held our first meeting and talked about what we like about Collective Worship, what we think we could improve and what our next steps should be. I am very proud of you all for being such
'confident communicators' and talking with such maturity about an important part of our school day. Well done!