Weekly update 28/02/2025
28 Feb 2025
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
We hope that you all had a lovely half-term break. The children have been full of beans on their return to school and raring to go!
Looking ahead at the diary for the next half-term, there are lots of events coming up. To hopefully make things easier for our families, we have combined some of these as follows:
WORLD BOOK DAY – Thursday 6th March
The School Council has been busy discussing this and would like to invite children to bring a clue for their favourite book. Some ideas suggested by the School Council include: a prop, a description (maybe in the form of a poem, riddle, blurb or book review), a drawing or painting, a model, reveal a section of the cover or even to come dressed up as one of the characters in full costume. Anything goes (within reason!)! Please do not feel obliged to buy anything special – your clue can be as simple as you wish. There is a prize for the most imaginative clue donated by NYES Catering. We shall have great fun guessing each other’s books as well as participating in a range of book-themed activities throughout the day. Look out for the special WBD vouchers coming home at the end of the day.
BUSY START – Tuesday 18th March
This event has been postponed for the time being.
COMIC RELIEF – Friday 21st March
This year, Comic Relief is celebrating its 40
th birthday. With this in mind, we invite children to come to school wearing their favourite party outfit that day. So that parents and family members can join in with the fun,
we are moving our special sharing assembly (originally scheduled for
Thursday 20th to the Friday). You are warmly invited to join us for this opportunity to celebrate the children’s achievements at
2.30pm. Following the assembly, refreshments will be served for a donation, which will go to the Comic Relief charity.
JAM Messy Church – Tuesday 1st April
All welcome for our popular after-school session. Details about how to book will follow nearer the time.
EASTER TEA – Thursday 3rd April
All welcome for our Easter Tea in the school hall at
2.30pm. More details to follow in due course.
Polite reminder
We have reminded the children about the importance of taking care of their reading books. Some of our sets are a little depleted as books have either been mislaid or damaged due to accidental spills in rucksacks. Please can reading books be kept separately in the book bag provided to keep them in good condition. Many thanks for your support with this - it can be an expensive business to replace them!
News from the wider community
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…