Weekly update 17012025
17 Jan 2025
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
We would like to remind all parents that the school gates open at
840am and close at
850am. Children arriving in school after this time are marked as late on the register and it has a negative impact on their attendance record.
School Council Elections
Just a heads up that elections for our School Council will be held on
Friday 31st January with canvassing during the week commencing
27th January (more information to follow next week). Anyone from
Y2 upwards is welcome to put themselves forward as a candidate. Our current School Councillors will be on hand to talk to their peers about what the role entails next week (and they will be eligible to stand again for re-election should they wish to do so).
Save the Date!
Our next JAM Messy Church session will take place on
Tuesday 4th February 3.30pm - 5pm. Anyone who is enrolled in STEM club will receive a refund for the session that was scheduled for that date. Look out for more information about how to sign up in due course.
Can you help?
As you know, each month school help out with the church service at St Nicholas Church. The next opportunity will be on
Sunday 26th January at 9.15am. If your child(ren) would like to take part, please let Miss Mandelson know at senco@west-tanfield.n-yorks.sch.uk.
Boys trousers for Rocket Class.
Thank you to everyone who has donated spare socks for rocket class. No more socks required!
We are still running low on boys trousers. If anyone has any pairs of trousers they could donate, it would be greatly appreciated.
Please see below link re collective worship
-Take Home .pdf-
Nursery Fees
Nursery fees for the current half term have now been billed and are available to pay on parent pay. Please ensure these are paid no later than
Friday 31st January.
News from the wider community
Please see attached re the village pantomime.
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…