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Weekly update 18/10/2024

18 Oct 2024

                Our Vision

We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
Theatre Trips
A huge thank you to those parents who have kindly agreed to make, or have already made, a voluntary payment for our provisionally booked theatre trips.
Just a reminder, if you consent to your child attending the trip and you agree to pay amount requested, please click and respond to the original email and complete the payments which have been loaded on parent pay by no later than Monday 4th November.
We will then confirm with parents if we have enough donations for the trip to go ahead.
Whilst these payments are voluntary, parents should be aware that due to the school budget, this trip will only go ahead if we receive enough payments to cover the cost of the trip. We thank you for your support in helping us to ensure we can keep our curriculum as hands on and exciting as possible.
Parent Consultations:
Parent consultations will take place in school on Monday 21st October 2024.
A link has been sent to parents to book a slot if you have not done so already.
Celebration Collective Worship:
Families are invited to join us to celebrate achievements at home and in school for this half term. This be held on Thursday 24th October at 9am in the school hall.

Parent survey
Each year, we like send home a parent survey. Your views are important to us. We would be grateful if you could please complete the attached form which is live until Thursday 24th October.
World Mental Health Day
Many thanks to all our families who supported our fundraising event last week for Young Minds.  We are pleased to let you know that, between us, we raised a magnificent £100!  In the words of one of our former pupils "We may be a small school but we have a big heart!"
Reading Book Amnesty
As we have resumed reading groups for the new school year, we have realised that some of our sets of reading books have copies missing.  This means that we do not always have a copy for each child in the group.  Please could everyone have a little look around at home and return any school reading books before we break up for half-term?  There will be no fines for late returns!!  Many thanks for your help with this.
Tag Rugby morning
On Tuesday, 22nd October, Sporting Influence are in school to run a session for KS1 and KS2 on Tag Rugby.  They will practice some skills and techniques.  KS2 will then have an opportunity to play a match.  Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school and a water bottle.
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
None this week

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North Yorkshire
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Ofsted 'Good' April 2024
'Pupils thrive at this small and inclusive school.'
Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary.'
'The school has high expectations for what pupils can achieve.'
'The school provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests.'
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